Tips & Hacks

Bright Side Attacks Veganism: Farm Animal Overpopulation?

A response video to Bright Side’s recent video which mostly focused on the problems with a vegan world from too many animals to poor African people.
– Links and Sources –

– @micthevegan

My Cookbook:
TIY Tiny House Channel:

Original Video:

My Healthcare Savings Video:

Slaughter Ages Reference:

1 Billion pigs:

260 mil dairy cows

Hydroponics Quote:

China greening desert Video 1:
Video 2:

“Almost 50 percent of the grains produced in the world are fed to livestock”

Amazon destruction 70% from Animal Ag:

80% from Animal Ag:

Animal ag a leading GHG emitter – FAO:

THE leading GHG emitter – FAO:

Species Extinction and Water Figure Source:

Vegan Protein/Albumin Higher Quote:

Lower Mortality:

Lower Cancer:

78% Lower Total Diabetes Risk:

B12 Quote Vegans:

Carnitine Case Study:

Position on Vegetarian Diets:

Virtually all 3 years old have fatty streaked aortas:

1/3 of Early Deaths from Meat:

JUST cultured meat article:

Original Source Link

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