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Dietitian’s Thoughts on YouTube’s “No Longer Vegan” Trend | Bullying, Health Scares & Orthorexia

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The content in this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

In this episode of Abbey’s Kitchen, Abbey is sharing her thoughts on the big trend in the vegan youtube world of vegan YouTubers coming out and disclosing that they’re no longer vegan. Abbey wants to cover the two main reasons this is happening: physical and psychological side effects.

Physical Symptoms

Some YouTubers cite that a vegan diet caused digestive issues, amenorrhea, and brain fog and functioning.

Digestive Issues

Some YouTubers found that consuming a diet very high in fibre caused bloating, gut irritation and other digestive issues. Some studies have even found that a high intake of fibre can impair the absorption of certain minerals, like calcium.


A high carb, low fat vegan diet means some women are not getting enough healthy fats to sustain women’s fertility and likely will lose their period.

Brain Fog & Functioning

Early research has found there might be a link between a high carb diet and mild cognitive impairment. This was found in older populations. It may be possible that the brain fog may be related to deficiencies in omega 3s.

Psychological Symptoms

A lot of YouTubers talked about having vivid cravings. Others became very religious with their diet which clouded their ability to listen to their body.

Bottom line

There is no one size fits all when it comes to your diet. This is why intuitive eating is so important because it encourages us to listen to our body and not eat by some arbitrary set of rules some YouTubers set out. You are the expert in your body.

For more tips on staying healthy, recipes, dieting, and information fit for consumption by foodies everywhere stop by Abbey’s blog.

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