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Ex-Vegan Rick Rubin Says His Vegan Diet Made Him Obese

My response to the Joe Rogan interview with Rick Rubin on him becoming obese on a vegan diet. We cover why he didn’t lose his weight by quitting a vegan diet and a look at vegan obesity research.
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42% of US Adults Obese:

Adventist Vegan BMI:

Vegan Lower BMI Over Time EPIC-Oxford:

Review of 20 Studies:
“All studies reported weight reductions…”

Meta-Analysis Vegan Diets Meaningful Weight Loss:

BROAD Study:

Vegan Around 50% carbs:

Japan more Carbs:

Whole Grains and BMI Lower:

Stu Middleman Article:

Weight Loss Interventions Work Equally Well with Obesity Genes:

Ice Baths and Weight Loss:

#rickrubin #joerogan #weightloss

Intro/Outro Song: Sedução Momentânea by Roulet:

Original Source Link

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