Tips & Hacks

Good Tips for Vegans to Complete Candida Cleanse

Greetings, Eric Bakker. Thanks for coming back. I often get asked by people who are vegan, or vegetarian, is it possible to complete a candida cleanse? Many people who eat like this are worried that they might not eradicate, you know, bacteria, or yeast, or parasites adequately from their gut, but you can. You can get a fantastic effect as a vegan, just like you can as an omnivore, or a meat eater.

It doesn’t matter what you eat. You can get rid of candida, providing you don’t hang around the golden arches too much, if you know what I mean. Be careful if you’re a vegan because one of the big traps I find with many vegan people, because they don’t eat any meat, is they get hungry a lot. You know, their appetite, so they want to eat quite a lot, they may not be as satisfied as a meat eater for example. Especially if you’re beginning out, you know, becoming a vegan, and you’re not accustomed to eating this particular way, but I’ll tell you now, it’s very easy to be a very healthy vegan, to have a great digestive health, good skin health. It’s not difficult to achieve, but you need to understand some principles.

One of the most important things I want to say, upfront, is be careful when you get energy drops, that you don’t run for chocolate or sweet foods. It easily happens and I’ve seen it happen many times to people. Or they get, they lose too much weight so they start chomping down on lot of the starchy kind of foods, you know, to try and give themselves a boost. And then they can end up with bloating and gas and a lot of problems. So that’s a pitfall that I want you to watch out for, not to really eat too much sweet potato or potatoes or pumpkin, or foods like that.

These foods can give you a boost, but they can give you a lot of problems too. So what do you eat if you’re a vegan. Well, I’m glad you asked because that’s what we’re going to talk about. So, there are plenty of things you can eat. You probably know now about all the different legumes you can eat. There are so many legumes that are available. Sprouts are one of my favorites. Chickpeas, lentils, there’re lots and lots of different types of legumes, and many ways you can cook these legumes.

Get non-GMO tofu, which is one of my favorite foods. Also, you can get tempeh, which is just like meat. I had a beautiful lunch yesterday, was all vegan lunch, and I just had tofu in it. It was great. It was bok choy out of the garden, it was brown rice and quinoa as a side. Why would you want to eat meat when you can have a dish like that? Very satisfying.

Nuts and seeds are a good one. There are many different seeds and nuts you can eat, but don’t eat too many in one sitting. You need to really chew them properly and try and get an understanding on how these foods feel in your tummy. All right? Many people overeat concentrated foods, far too much. They’ll eat, for example, a whole cup of hazelnuts in one sitting or 30 or 40 brazil nuts. So that’s too much.

I like to incorporate some nuts in with my cooking. If I’m making a dish, I might put cashews on there, I might roast those or almonds. They’ll get roasted, put through the food, which is quite nice while you eat them. Sunflower seeds, you can be snack on. Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds. If you think about it, there are lots of types of nuts and seeds you can eat. They’re going to give you a lot of protein.

Glutton free grains, if possible. Go for the glutton free grains. I mean, you vegans out there would know all the glutton free grains. Millet, buckwheat, quinoa, you know, brown rice, there are so many of them. And you can really jazz these foods up. You can put lots of different herbs and spices with them, to give them a lot of zing or a lot of taste. They don’t have to taste boring or bland at all. Wait til you see my lifestyle channel we’re going to create, with lots of different cooking ideas for people just like you guys out there.

Be careful for the first three to four weeks, in particular. I wrote about this in candida question, about the root vegetables, right? You need to be careful. I would probably tend to push you more into the green stuff rather than the root stuff initially because if your tummy’s not quite right, and you have got a candida problem, or a bacterial load. When you’re starting to inappropriately ferment these starchy foods, you’re going to get a lot of gas, a lot of bloating.

You’re going to go in a tailspin, you could feel really sick. So pull these root crops out for the first, I’d say month. And what are they? Potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, pumpkins, squash, you know, winter squash, summer squash. Be careful of these foods. They taste sweet, they make you bloat and fart. Be careful. When you do incorporate them, a good tip for you is to bake them. Baked starchy food tends to have a better effect the gut than boiled or steamed. You try it, you’ll see it’ll work.

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