Tips & Hacks

Healthy vegan meal prep (hacks that helped me lose 40 pounds)

How to prep a super healthy weight loss meal! The prep for this meal only takes 15 minutes, leaving you to get on with your busy day and come back to a deliciously healthy, and filling meal.

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Here is Cassi’s delicious Roasted Herb Potato recipe 😋
This link to the blog of Cassi’s meal is below:

If you’re needing more help with weight loss my program LEAN WITH PLANTS is open NOW for 2 more days only!
Check it out here:

Here are a few things you should know about losing weight.
You MUST be in a calorie deficit!! I personally don’t count calories, but to get you started and to understand calorie density you might find the links below useful👇

Check out my video about how to know how many calories you need. 👇

🎙Also, check out the podcast episode I did on how to lose weight without counting calories.👇

📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

I love hearing from you guys! So follow me around the social stuff!!

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