Tips & Hacks

How to Lose Weight | Calorie Deficit Tips | Vegan Fitness

Do you want to lose weight? Then you should be in a calorie deficit.

What is a calorie deficit? A calorie deficit is when your caloric intake (anything you eat or drink that has calories in it) is less than your caloric output (the calories that are used in your body: basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of food, exercise activity and non-exercise activity)

For further information, watch this video:

Now being in a calorie deficit can be challenging, especially if it is a new concept for you. Therefore, I have a few tips for you:

Increase your caloric output. This could mean adding physical activity to your day. Anything from walking, dancing, lifting weights, swimming and so much more. Basically, anything that involves you moving your body.

Track your calories. There are quite a few apps out there that help you track your calories. First, figure out how many calories you should consume to be in a calorie deficit and go from there.

Plan your meals and meal times ahead. Personally, I find that if I do not know what to eat I tend to overeat on snacks. As well, over time your body will get used to eating at these times.

Try to avoid excess snacking. I find that snacking can really add up your calories, for example, late-night snacking.

Take your time while eating. It takes the brain to send signals of being full approximately 20 minutes from the time you start eating. Therefore, we can easily overeat in that time window as we have not received any signals of fullness yet.

These are all only a few tips that I have to be in a calorie deficit.

In the comments make sure to let me know if you have any tips.

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