Tips & Hacks

Red Lentil Wrap (2 ingredients!) #plantbasedrecipes #redlentil #easyveganrecipes #veganmealprep

Enjoy with hummus and veggies, chopped salad, black beans, tofu and veggies, or any combination of your favorites. These 2 INGREDIENT wraps are delicious, high in protein and fiber and low in fat!

3/4 cup red lentils, rinsed
1 1/2 cups veggie broth
Trace amount of olive or avocado oil

Non-stick fry pan
Kitchen cloth
Sealable container
Parchment paper (if applicable)

1. Pour rinsed lentils and veggie broth into a blender pitcher and allow to soak for 6 hours (in fridge or at room temp) OR up to 48 hours (which REQUIRES that you refrigerate the mixture until you use it).
2. After soaking (remove from fridge if applicable), and blend until creamy.
3. Add a very small drop of olive or avocado oil to a non-stick fry pan and spread with a paper towel or a brush to lightly coat the bottom. Heat the pan on medium/high heat.
4. Pour enough lentil batter to thinly cover the bottom of the pan.
5. Cook lentil batter for a few minutes until you can easily lift the edges, then flip over for about 2 minutes.
6. Remove lentil wrap from pan and place on a plate. Cover wrap with a kitchen cloth and allow to cool while you repeat steps 3-5 with the remaining batter until complete.
7. Enjoy within a few hours or place wraps in a sealed container for up to 24 hours in the fridge.

You can also freeze wraps for up to a month. If freezing, I would add parchment paper between each lentil wrap to make them easy to separate.


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