Tips & Hacks

Tips on how not to sound like a jerk doing vegan activism.

Appearing as a bible “Know-it-All” while doing vegan outreach can be a major turnoff to your target. Especially when you’re dealing with a Christian who might not have studied his Bible as much as he would’ve liked to. In this video, I make suggestions on how to ask questions, so you don’t sound so much like a jerk.

***My name is Steve. I’ve been a Christian since 1967 and a vegan since 2008. This channel’s main goal is to teach animal rights activists how to communicate veganism using the Bible. If you are an activist who gets frustrated speaking to Christians about veganism, I might be able to help ya.

If you’re an activist wanting to learn how to outreach Bible believers, get my book at
If you’ve got cash to waste, send it my way so I can buy more hair gel…

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