Tips & Hacks

TOP 5 TIPS ON GOING VEGAN | Cheap Lazy Vegan

I just got Twitter, so follow me – @cheaplazyvegan – I’m still in the 90s when it comes to Twitter though.

Hi everyone, in this video I talk about my top five tips on transitioning into a vegan diet. I personally think that veganism is a journey and not a destination. There’s no such thing as perfection. It’s all about having the right mindset and continuing on the journey, even if there might be set-backs. Everyone has a different vegan story and process, so don’t feel the need to do something that everyone else is doing.

I’m sure there are a million other tips to add to the list, so I hope to do more videos like this in the future if you guys enjoy it. Let me know in the comments section if you found these helpful. For current vegans out there, if you have any more tips to add, please feel free to share them as well.

Mentioned in this video –

Earthlings –
Website –

Cowspiracy (Available on Netflix) –
Trailer –
Full film with Spanish subtitles –

Forks Over Knives –

Vegucated –

101 Reasons to go vegan –

Best Speech You’ll Ever Hear by Gary Yourovsky –

Beyond Carnism by Melanie Joy –

Books Mentioned –

Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin –

The China Study by Dr T. Colin Campbell –

The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall –

Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman –

Make sure you like, comment, share and SUBSCRIBE 🙂


Check Out My Other Videos –

Why I Went Vegan (My Vegan Story) –

Vegan Meal Prep #1 –

How to: Vegan Breakfast & Lunch –

How to: Vegan Dinner –

Is It Moral to Eat Meat? –

Are We “Designed” to Eat Meat? –



Business Inquiries –

My Vegan Channel –
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My Travel/Daily Vlog Channel –

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My Snapchat – itsrosatron


Check out these sources for information about veganism –

Vegan Starter Kit –

Why Vegan? –

Psychology of Eating Meat –

Earthlings (Documentary) –

Best Speech You Will Ever Hear –

Truth About The Egg Industry –


Music by YouTube Music Library

Original Source Link

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