Tips & Hacks

Vegan Food Hacks | Easy Tasty Healthy

Vegan Food Hacks !
10 weird vegan food hacks
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Hello guys today I am happy to share with you you 10 vegan foodhacks that will make it easier, tastier, healthier or cheaper to enjoy vegan food

1.Low fat pie crust using beans

Using to much vegetable oil will mess with your omega 3-6 ratio which can lead to inflamation. Piecrust is one of those things in which you ofthen use alot of oil, but you can actually replace most of the fat with beans. Mash the beans or use a blender. The result is a less compact, healthier and tasty crust.

2.Beans in smoothies

While we talk bout beans I must tell you that beans do pretty great in smothies. Adding a terta pack of beans to your fruit smothies does not actually ruin the taste as you may expect. It gives the smoothie a mild speacial taste that I personally really enjoy. If you want to add some extra protein to your smoothies give this a try and please tell me what you think.

3.Soak your cereals

There are great plantbasedmilks, but you can actually skip the milk alltogheter. Soak your cerals in some water and let it sit for a while, let it sit over the night if you want to eat it in the morning. If you add some dried fruit and maybe some sliced up banana or apple or whatever you like, it can get really tasty and you save the expence of buying expensive plant milks or save the effort of making your own.

4.Banana icecream

If you did not know that you can make healthy and tasty icecream with bananas, I´m glad to finally give you the life saving information. Slice a cople of bananas and put them in the frezer for a couple of hours, then blend them in a blender or preferably a food processor, a handheld mixer does great too. I really like to add a little bit of coconut milk and at the end I add a couple of dates and nuts and just blend it a little more so that I get these tasty small chunks. It´s epic guys and it does not weirdly enough not taste that much banana in my opinion

5.Nutritional yeast for cheasy flavour

Nutritional east can actually give things a kind of cheasy flavour and can be used in a lot of things. I´m not really a huge cheese fan anymore, but i do use it in veggie burgers, but even more for pizza cheese which brings me to the next one

6.Tapioca for cheasy texture

Tapica flour gives things some cheasy properties. It makes sauces act similar to melted cheese, even streching. My favourite use for both nutritional yeast and tapioca is making vegan mozzarella and my favorite use of vegan mozzarella is on pizzas. Making vegan mozzarella is really easy: Link to the recipe down below

7. Mustard Broccoli

Sulphurophane is thought to be the main active ingredient in broccoli which protects our brain and eyesight, protects against free radicals and, help prevent as well as help treat cancer.

Sulphurophane is formed when you shew raw broccoli, but most broccoli is bought cooked and frozen and do no longer contain one of the enzymes to form sulphurophane, but mustard powder does. If you want your broccoli to be as good for you as it can be, sprinkle some mustard on it if you don´t plan on eating it raw.

8. Water frying

As I implied before, vegetable oil is not really that good for you, and frying the oil does not make it any better. Using just a little bit of water instead of oil works great for things like vegetables, but certainley not pankakes.

9. Peanut butter banana spread

Is this just to fill out the list? No. This is so good that everyone, everyone… deserves to know about it. Don´t use to little penutbutter! 🙂

10. Diy plantmilk mix

The plantmilk we buy is ofthen quite expensive. It´s really easy to make your own plantmilk with a decent blender, but why make it as boring as the ones you buy, oat milk or almond milk or hemp milk, just mix whatever you want to your liking and it will be much better. What I do most of the time is to use oats as a base, than add some sunflowerseeds, a few cashew nuts, a tablespoon of hemp and sometimes a littlebit of falx seeds

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