Tips & Hacks

What I Ate in a Day for my Vegan Pregnancy

This video is an example of what I ate in a day during my second vegan, mostly raw foods pregnancy. Our healthy baby boy, Sandy Makai, was born in the comfort and safety of our home. Born at 8 pounds, 20 inches long on april 30th, 2015.

BLOG POST “Cooked Vegan Recipes I Craved while Pregnant!”:

CHECK OUT MY EBOOKS filled with healthy VEGAN RECIPES + health tips!

I am VEGAN for the PLANET, for the ANIMALS, for the PEOPLE, for WORLD PEACE, for my HEALTH, and for teaching COMPASSION to all sentient beings to my CHILDREN. xo

“The best speech you’ll ever hear by Gary Yourofsky”:
“The Excuses Speech:
“101 reasons to go vegan”:
TedTalk “Beyond Carnism” By Melanie Joy:
My BLOG POST “Mooo Milk is for Cows”:
Documentary “Cowspiracy” at
Documentary “Forks over Knives” (found on Netflix)
is a wealth of information. Check out the “All about Veganism” section to answer any question you have
Books to read: “The China Study” and “Whole by T. Colin Campbell. “The 80/10/10 diet” by Dr. Douglas Graham, any John McDougall books, and “Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes” by Neal D. Barnard

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