Vegan Beauty

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (Raw Vegan Fashion Model)

Hey Guys!!

So here’s the video of WHAT I EAT IN A DAY as a raw-vegan fashion model, actress and singer.

As I work in a creative industry and I travel a lot, I’m really conscious of what I eat in order to stay healthy, energetic, with clean mind and body 🙂

For my breakfast I just have fresh watermelon (with a bit of garlic & chilli, to make it more in Yin-Yang balance) and Longjing Green tea from China (brewed in warm 60C water).

For lunch I have “Raw Vegan Green Pita Kebab”. The base is made of Perilla leaves and 2 kinds of green salat leaves. Inside I put fresh avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions, chives, Plum Chilli Sauce (made of ripped plums, tomatoes, garlic, chilli, black pepper, turmeric and chives), a bit of soy sauce (you can either use Paul Bragg’s Liquid Aminos or Organic Soy Sauce made of water, soy beans and salt), freshly cold squeezed Perilla Seeds oil and black pepper.

For my dinner I have Banana & Melon dessert with cinnamon and Pumpkin Seeds Tea Latte (made of Wheat Grain Tea (also brewed in 60C)1 & self made pumpkin seeds milk).

Really hope you like it! :))))

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