Vegan Beauty

WORON Sustainable underwear, Vegan Fashion

No toxic chemicals. No toxic dyes. No chafing. No metal pokes. No style? No Way! The basic underwear you love without the junk you don’t.

The fashion industry has a bad rap these days. Most fashion products aren’t made in a way that’s any good for you nor the planet. We’re here to change that.

We believe that most things can be fixed with a good attitude and some comfy clothes that don’t compromise style and sexiness. When the underpants aren’t riding up and the bra isn’t chafing or trying to suffocate you, when one’s body just finally says “aaaah, I’m good right now”, then it’s as if magic happens. One’s well-being soars and with it confidence and feeling sexy emerges all by itself, naturally. Our aim is to create that lingerie, that will be the first thing you want to put on and the last thing you take off!

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