
Teas, Tisanes & Herbal Infusions

Discover the World of Teas with Sridevi! ! Join her on a journey to explore the diverse world of teas, tisanes and infusions. Watch as she

Demystifies the difference between tea, tisanes, and herbal infusions.
Shares her unique concoctions like mango-mulberry and ginger-turmeric-cardamom blends.
Guides you through brewing methods for classic teas like white tea and peppermint.
Takes you on a virtual trip to her high tea experiences in London and the serene tea ceremony in Japan.
Highlights the health benefits of various teas and the versatility of using vegan milk options.
Encourages exploring local ingredients and creating your own personalized infusions.
Offers tips for mindful eating and using tea as a healthy alternative to snacking.

Watch more in-depth information and tea inspirations.

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