
Almost Vegan means eating healthy, being happy and living without stress.

My free guide to cooking fast, tasty, HEALTHY versions of your favorite foods tonight!:

Hello, I’m Chef Dan and I was vegan.
I struggled with my vegan diet. It was hard to go out to restaurants, or have a dinner party with some friends. I got tired of answering the same questions, Is there anything on this menu you can eat? and of course the big question, “Where do you get your protein?”
I shed my unhappiness and my dietary struggles, my frustrations and stress over my vegan diet and became “Almost Vegan”.
So now I can always find a compromise on any menu in any restaurant, and I have the occasional lamb chop, or chicken wing.
My diet is not quite as healthy as a vegan’s diet, but my stress level is healthier.
And my happiness is through the roof.

P.S. I no longer need to supplement my diet with vitamin B12.

Can you keep a secret?

Tasty food doesn’t come from fancy ingredients. You don’t need slave in your kitchen for hours either.

All you need the right techniques to make simple vegetables taste the best they can.

There’s only a handful of these techniques too!

If you want my guide to turn your favorite foods into tasty healthy dishes you and your family will love too, I’m sharing it right here:

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