
Growing my Legacy #nativetrees #rewilding #nativeplants #biodiversity #vegan

When I’m done planting this year, I will have planted over 30 trees on our land! I want to transform our backyard into a bio diverse sanctuary for wildlife, and also to share with baby Cedar. I’ve always loved to hike in the most wild places I can find because I’m fascinated with the variety of plant and animal life that abounds in these places. Once I found out that baby Cedar was on the way, it was no longer enough for me to passively appreciate nature like I always had. Instead, I realized I needed to surround myself with as much biodiversity as possible, so I decided to rewild my land. I want cedar to grow up picking fruit directly from trees on our own land. I want him to understand how wonderful and healing it is to be surrounded by natural beauty. I want him to understand how valuable natural resources are, and I want him to learn that because we consume these resources, we also give back. In a nutshell, that’s the legacy I want to build, sharing my love of nature with Cedar, and teaching him that we give back to Mother Earth as much as we possibly can.

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