
Overcoming Type 1 Diabetes: Why I Had to Quit Being Vegan and Switch to Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet

Being vegan did help John with his cholesterol levels. But John eventually realized that simply not having animal protein in his diet wasn’t enough to achieve optimal health. He wasn’t feeling great at all.

Living with type 1 diabetes can be a daily struggle. And for those who suffer from this autoimmune disorder, finding a sustainable and effective treatment plan can seem like an unattainable goal. Until, of course, you find one.

So in this video, John shares how a low fat, whole food, plant-based diet and the power community he’s found in Mastering Diabetes transformed his health. 

If you or someone you know needs hope, inspiration, and proof that it’s possible to live with type 1 diabetes without so much pain, well, here’s one of those many success stories.

John’s numbers:
A1C: 6.3 ➡️ A1C 5.6
Fasting blood glucose: ⋗150 ➡️ 120
Cholesterol: 112➡️ 82
Triglycerides: 90➡️ 54
HDL cholesterol: 38 ➡️ 42

Watch and Enjoy!
Cyrus & Robby

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