
#VeganuaryChickenWeek Begins in Germany With Food Service Promotions & Celeb Support – vegconomist

As part of Veganuary, more people than ever before have taken the start of 2023 as an opportunity to consciously try out a purely plant-based diet. And from today March 27, just in time for Easter, the non-profit organization launches the campaign #VeganuaryChickenWeek to further accelerate this trend.

More than 700 million animals such as chickens, ducks and geese were slaughtered in the German poultry industry in 2022, and hens laid around 13.2 billion eggs, according to the latest figures from the Federal Statistical Office.

“These figures are absurd, but: more and more people want to do something about animal suffering and the associated consequences for the environment and climate, and recognize that plant-based nutrition is the most effective way to do this,” says physician and vegan activist Aljosha Muttardi. “Quite simply, you can choose animal-free products – egg or chicken alternatives, for example. This has a big impact on animals and the environment.”

© Peter Pane

Since 2017, meat production in Germany has fallen by about 14 percent overall, as have imports (down 15.9 percent) and exports (down 19.3 percent). 2022 is the second year in a row that poultry meat production has also seen a downward trend.

Veganuary advocates for nutritional turnaround year-round.

1,610 new vegan products and dishes hit store shelves and menus worldwide for Veganuary 2023. But even beyond the vegan New Year’s resolution, the globally active organization is committed to making it easy to start eating a plant-based diet – and to driving the nutritional turnaround in society and the economy.

“With campaigns such as #VeganuaryChickenWeek, we are additionally strengthening the sustainable effects of Veganuary in the current year and creating further community momentum on social media, while shopping or in restaurants, motivating people to simply give a purely plant-based diet a try,” says Christopher Hollmann, who heads Veganuary in Germany.

veganuary vegan diet challenge.
© Veganuary

Other campaigns include #VeganuaryFishWeek, #VeganuaryBBQ and #PlantMilkWeek, to follow in June, July and August, respectively. “For the week-long campaigns, we provide information about the positive effects of vegan nutrition and also offer companies and brands incentives and support to specifically expand their plant-based offerings,” says Hollmann.

Promotions for #VeganuaryChickenWeek

In the restaurant industry, restaurant chain Peter Pane is celebrating #VeganuaryChickenWeek with a discount promotion on vegan chicken burgers and bringing back the plant-based nuggets it introduced in January at a promotional price. Among participating food brands, Greenforce, for example, is expanding its product line with a plant-based egg alternative for baking.

In addition, the Veganuary celebrity cookbook with recipes from Bryan Adams, Oli P., Sadie Frost and others is available as a free download when you register. During the promotional period of #VeganuaryChickenWeek – from March 27 to April 2 – an exclusive collection of recipes for preparing vegan egg and chicken alternatives is also available to all interested parties.

For more information, visit

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