
5 Ingredient Date Snickers Bars | Vegan Recipes | John Gregory-Smith

5 ingredient date snickers- Recipe Below- make it a vegan recipe with your fav peanut butter and chocolate
Makes 18-20 little bars – 300g Medjool dates, pitted and stoned – 150g crunchy peanut butter – 30g roasted peanuts – 180g 70% dark chocolate – Sea salt
1. Line a 2lb loaf tin. Chuck the dates into a blender and blend for a few minutes until you have a smooth ball. Spread the dates out over the bottom of the loaf tin using the back of a spoon.
2. Spread the peanut butter over the dates and smooth out evenly. Scatter over the peanuts and gently press them into the peanut butter. Pop into a freezer for 2 hours to set.
3. Once set, cut down the middle lengthways and then cut into 18-20 little bars. Place onto a plate lined with baking paper and return to the freezer whilst you melt the chocolate.
4. Melt the chocolate in a small bowl over a pan of simmering water. Dip the bars into the chocolate, making sure they get completely coated. Put onto baking paper to set.
5. After a few minutes, when the chocolate has cooled, sprinkle with sea salt. Place into the fridge to firm up for 20-30 minutes and then serve. I like to leave them out of the fridge for 10 minutes to come to room temperature

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